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Popeth Cymraeg Policies

  • Popeth Cymraeg and Coleg Cambria have worked together for two years to ensure that the policies of Popeth Cymraeg are as close as practically possible to Coleg Cambria’s policies. That has meant that Popeth Cymraeg has sometimes adopted one of Coleg Cambria’s policies in totality, sometimes has adapted one of Coleg Cambria's policies so that it fits in with the unique situation of Popeth Cymraeg and has sometimes omitted a policy because it is irrelevant ( e.g. services not offered by the organisation).

  • More details about the relationship between Popeth Cymraeg policies and Coleg Cambria policies are available in the first document below.
  • If ever there is a potential conflict between Coleg Cambria's policies and Popeth Cymraeg’s policies Popeth Cymraeg’s policies will be subject to the policies of Coleg Cambria.


Coleg Cambria Policies


Welcome to Popeth Cymraeg

Popeth Cymraeg is an unique organisation, established by Welsh learners for Welsh learners